
I love short stories. I love reading them, I love writing them. In fact, my New Year’s resolution for 2008 was to write a short story every single day that year. And yea though it nearly ended in divorce just a scant year after getting married at all, I would argue it was worth it. It changed and improved me as a writer, and it also expanded my definition of what a story can be.

Lately, I’ve been working on a lot of shorts. So much so I’ve even added a shorts section to my site here where I’ll be posting art and other info about the short projects I’ve taken on, and often information about my collaborators and their other works. Most notably right now, I’m working on a short with the wonderful C. Brennan Knight, author of The Lamplighter Saga, entitled: The Trenchstalker. That’s about all I’m at liberty to say about it at this stage, but I am very excited about this one. It’s a solidly written tale with a highly concentrated dose of mystery, action and intrigue. Yet another—and the Kickstarter for this was just announced today—is my involvement in John Horsley’s The Eynes Anthology, which is horror at a level I’ve not yet had the opportunity to work on. John has pooled an immense collection of spectacular talent (well, and myself, also) and set them to the task of creating a terrifying saga in broad, blazing strokes. It was a bit difficult to see the scope of the thing from the small vantage point of my less than ten pages of involvement, but as it has coalesced, my excitement and enthusiasm for this book is reaching a crescendo. I’ve still plenty of work to do on my little plot of story, but I think this is going to be one of the more exciting anthologies of 2019. In any category, but horror most particular.

In other news, I sent the finished pages for Hush Ronin #1 off to the publisher for print a week ago, today. Ideally, they’ll be circulating by or around the second week of February, 2019. Issue 2 is currently slated for July 2019, following a quarterly sort of schedule. I know that’s a long time to wait for the second part of a story, so there will be at least one Hush Ronin short published here to my site, if nowhere else, in the interim. Additionally, I will have an illustration in the planned Famous Movie Monsters anthology that Ashcan is publishing in March 2019. For that one, I’ve paired with Cody Fernandez of Jack Irons: Steel Cowboy fame. The anthology is, ostensibly, a collection of flash fiction with accompanying feature illustrations from various independent comics writers and artists in the Twitter community.

That’s about enough out of me though. I might actually spill something important if I keep going. And I’ve got a class to catch.